Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the body, mind, and spirit. Christina is a licensed Acupuncturist and an experienced Reiki practitioner in Pasadena, CA. She integrates a range of therapies to prevent and treat dis-ease to promote optimal health and overall well-being. With spiritual/ energetic healing in mind, we must consider our physical health. Some modalities included in her treatments are acupuncture, Sound therapy, cupping therapy, meditation, visualization, and herbal/supplemental remedies.
Christina's Approach
Wellness Coaching for lasting changes
The foundation of Centered Wellness is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. By unblocking stagnations and creating flow within the channel system we can balance the body with acupuncture needles. The imbalances can show up as “western symptoms" reflecting the deeper issues. This is our bodies asking us to step back and discover what lies at the root of the problem. While the needles are in place Christina manipulates the energetic body with Reiki and different energetic therapies. In her sessions, she incorporates an array of healing therapies best suited for each individual's needs and constitution. Some include acupuncture, nutrition, herbal/supplemental therapies, wellness coaching, shamanic practices, sound therapy, essential oils, and/or Reiki healing. All she asks is for you to come as you are.